Questa Capital is a healthcare venture growth equity firm that invests in breakout growth companies. We seek out disruptive business models that improve lives and provide better quality and more efficient care. We partner with superior management teams to help build innovative market leaders.


Exited 34 healthcare portfolio companies thus far.


Served on the boards of >60 growth stage companies in healthcare.


>75 years of experience working with and building growth stage companies.


8 companies exited >$500 million each.

Our Passion

We are passionate about healthcare and our partners have been active investors in the healthcare sector since 1996. As partners at New Enterprise Associates and Parthenon Capital, we have served on over 60 boards of directors and thus far have helped guide 34 companies to successful exits.

Our Focus

We are a venture growth equity firm focused on later-stage companies across healthcare. We seek to invest $15 million – $40 million in equity capital on either a majority or minority basis. Our capital is employed to accelerate a company’s strategic growth plan, and, in some cases, to provide partial liquidity for founders or early shareholders.

Our Sectors
Healthcare Services
Healthcare Technology
Medical Devices

Our Approach

What We Look for in Our Companies


We are fundamental investors who avoid situations with significant binary risk. We will shy away from opportunities where there is a single dominant customer, a vulnerable reimbursement situation or an unproven technology. We favor capital-efficiency and will avoid business models that require funding open-ended capital requirements.


We believe that technology will be both an enabler of efficiency and a catalyst for growth in all the businesses in which we invest. For our services companies, technology will be an optimizer of care delivery. For our digital health companies, technology will enable new service offerings promising better clinical outcomes at lower cost. For medical device companies, technology protected by significant intellectual property will underpin their key products and form the basis for their competitive advantage.

Our Team

Our Portfolio

Our partners have been fortunate to collaborate and invest with an incredible group of executives and entrepreneurs over the past two decades. During that time, our partners have been involved with over 60 boards of directors in helping our management team partners build exceptional healthcare growth companies.

Current Portfolio

The following investments are select transactions with which we were involved at predecessor firms and which are generally representative of Questa's investment strategy:

Healthcare Services

Healthcare Technology

Medical Devices

East Coast Office

1156 15th Street NW, Suite 302
Washington, DC 20005



West Coast Office

501 2nd Street, Suite 615
San Francisco, CA 94107

